Whitewater Rafting Trip Spreadsheet
The Rafting Trip Planner is a free Google Sheet designed to manage whitewater rafting trip expenses, deposits, reimbursements, logistics, and meals. It was created by rafting enthusiasts and has been used successfully for many multi-day whitewater rafting trips, from 3-day weekends with 8 rafters to 21-day Grand Canyon trips with 24 rafters. The primary features:
- Manage group expenses, including the use of deposits and final reimbursements
- Quickly generate an itinerary which also supports meal management
- Plan and manage river meals and food groups
- Manage rafters, their contact info, and their dietary restrictions
- Manage shared equipment, boats, and transportation to and from the river
- Provide a simple bulletin board for group communication and trip information
- Share music to be performed and sung on the trip
Sample Rafting Trip Planner. Try it out or follow along with the video. Click here make your own copy.
Rafting Trip Planner Template. Use the Planner to manage your own raft trip. Click here make your own copy.
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