Memories of Ann Williams

I was sad to hear that Ann Williams died, and I extend my sympathies to her family. Ann Williams was my English teacher at Jackson High School during my Junior year. Miss Williams, as we knew her, was an involved and caring teacher. Her love of literature was apparent in her teaching. As a class, for example, she had us do a full reading of Macbeth, with assigned parts, which gave us all, the great majority of us with no dramatic experience, a serious exposure to the beauty of his language, a personal glimpse into the difficulties of “playing” a part, and for my part, contributed to a life-long appreciation of Shakespeare and of Shakespeare done well.

Teaching at Jackson High School..
She often made herself available outside of school to students, unusual then and now. She once took a group of us to Reed College for an evening’s performance of Moliere’s Tartuffe, which was wonderful. I particularly remember her as a joyful and infectious person, and an encouraging teacher.
Her obituary in the Oregonian was published today; thanks to Dixon Rauch for letting me know. Also, you can read other responses and you can leave a note for the family on the Oregonian site.